Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A search for long-range particles in deep X-ray emulsion chambers

T.P. Amineva, I.P. Ivanenko, N.P. Il'ina, Т.V. Lazareva, B.L. Kanevskii, A.K. Managadze, E.A. Murzina, E.I. Pomelova, E.G. Popova, I.V. Rakobol'skaya, N.G. Rya'bova, L.G. Sveshnikova, O.P. Strogova, N.G. Zelevinskaya, V.M. Maksimenko, I.A. Mikhailova, L.P. Nikolaeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 43. N 1. P. 35

  • Article

The first results are reported on hadron intensity recorded at a depth of 81-110 cm of lead in an X-ray emulsion chamber. The intensity of the cascades within the chamber is calculated on the assumption that charmed particles are created with high probability in hadron interactions.

T.P. Amineva, I.P. Ivanenko, N.P. Il'ina, Т.V. Lazareva, B.L. Kanevskii, A.K. Managadze, E.A. Murzina, E.I. Pomelova, E.G. Popova, I.V. Rakobol'skaya, N.G. Rya'bova, L.G. Sveshnikova, O.P. Strogova, N.G. Zelevinskaya, V.M. Maksimenko, I.A. Mikhailova, L.P. Nikolaeva
Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 1988

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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