Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

А video filter based on а single crystal of paratellurite

V.B. Voloshinov, О.V. Mironov, and V.N. Parygin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 2. P. 44

  • Article

The possibility is studied of spectral filtration of an image in the range of electromagnetic radiation wavelengths λ = 2.0-4.О μm bу an acoustooptical filter based on а paratellurite crystal. The basic filter parameters are calculated; the variation of the transverse shift angle and longitudinal shift of а diffracted image are estimated as а function of the radiation wave.

V.B. Voloshinov, О.V. Mironov, and V.N. Parygin
Department of Vibration Physics
Issue 2, 1989

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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