Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Mechanisms of mutual synchronization of two resonance-coupled oscillators

Yu.I. Kuznetsov, I.I. Minakova, M.I. Shchedrina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1990. 45. N 3. P. 95

  • Article

Mechanisms of mutual synchronization of coupled oscillators are analyzed for different types and magnitudes of the coupling. It is shown that mechanisms of transition from multifrequency to single-frequency operation of separate oscillators depend on the $Q$-factor and detuning of the coupling circuit.

Yu.I. Kuznetsov, I.I. Minakova, M.I. Shchedrina
Department of Physics of Oscillations, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 1990

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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