Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Spin damping of magnetoelastic waves in cubic ferromagnetics

0.Yu. Belyaeva, S.N. Karpachev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1992. 47. N 6. P. 79

  • Article

A new method for estimating spin relaxation times in magnetic materials by ultrasound damping is considered. A description is given of a phenomenological theory of the relaxation mechanism of sound damping in a single-domain perfect crystal with consideration for a nonhomogeneous internal field. Numerical estimates of spin relaxation times in a Mn-Zn spinel single crystal are presented that use data on damping of a 30-MHz transverse wave. A possibility of separating the spin-spin and the spin-lattice relaxaton times is discussed.

0.Yu. Belyaeva, S.N. Karpachev
Department of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 6, 1992

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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