Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

$(\gamma, \gamma’)$ experiment on the injector of a slot microtron designed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University

A.S. Alimov, I.V. Gribov, B.S. Ishkhanov, I.M. Kapitonov, I.M. Piskarev, A.S. Chepumov, 0.V. Chubarov, V.I. Shvedunov, E.V. Shirokov, A.V. Shumakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1993. 48. N 5. P. 28

  • Article

The first stage of a continuous-operation accelerator, the slot microtron designed at the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, was used to study the nuclear resonance fluorescence, the $(\gamma, \gamma’)$ reaction. The $^{11}В$, $^{19}F$, $^{23}Na$, $^{28}Si$, $^{32}S$, $^{39}K$, $^{63}Cu$, and $^{208}Pb$ nuclei were studied. The results are compared with data obtained on similar accelerators.

A.S. Alimov, I.V. Gribov, B.S. Ishkhanov, I.M. Kapitonov, I.M. Piskarev, A.S. Chepumov, 0.V. Chubarov, V.I. Shvedunov, E.V. Shirokov, A.V. Shumakov
Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 5, 1993

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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