Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A nonlinear Langmuir wave: kinetic theory and asymptotics

A.N. Gaponenko, L.S. Kuz'menkov, 0.0. Trubachev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1993. 48. N 5. P. 46

  • Article

The behavior of the nonlinear frequency shift and the amplitudes of the second and third harmonics have been studied numerically in the cubic approximation with respect to the wave field for the relativistic Maxwell plasma. The range of applicability of low-temperature asymptotics is indicated for quantities under study. It is found that for waves with a phase velocity close to the velocity of light a good approximation is given by cold hydrodynamics.

A.N. Gaponenko, L.S. Kuz'menkov, 0.0. Trubachev
Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 5, 1993

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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