Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The secular drift of the Earth's center of mass caused Ьу movements of lithospheric plates

Yu.V. Barkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 2. P. 65

  • Article

The paper is concerned with the study of а subtle geodynamic phenomenonthe secular movement of the Earth's center of mass caused Ьу movements of lithospheric plates. Based on the plate model adopted, it is shown that in this epoch the Earth's center of mass is being displaced relative to the mantle in the direction of а point with the geographic coordinates ip = 42.3° N .L. and $\lambda=131,2°$ E.L. (toward the Sea of Japan) at а rate vc· = 4.45 cm/century. The phenomenon is primarily due to the underthrust effect of oceanic plates.

Yu.V. Barkin
Shterпberg Iпstitute of Astronomy
Issue 2, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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