The connection between the position of the Sun in the Galaxy and geodynamic phenomena is studied. The proЫem of the Sun's motion in the Galaxy has been solved without taking the influence of spiral arms into account. The Sun's orblt has been calculated for а particular form of the Galaxy potential. The Fourier analysis of the frequency of inversions of the magnetic field of the Earth as а function of time has been carried out. It has been shown that the frequency of inversions of the magnetic field of the Earth increased when the Sun left the spiral arm; the geomagnetic activity increased when the Sun either intersected the Galaxy plane or was at minimum separation from its center.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
К.V. Semenkov
Государственный астрономический институт им. П.К. Штернберга МГУ, Россия 119991, Москва, Университетский проспект. д. 13
Государственный астрономический институт им. П.К. Штернберга МГУ, Россия 119991, Москва, Университетский проспект. д. 13