Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Minimax estimation of heterogeneity parameters in problems of breast cancer diagnosis by means of a tensormeter matrix

D.А. Pashko, Yu.Р. Pyt'ev, and А.Р. Sarvazyan

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 5. P. 15

  • Article

Methods of detection and estimation of parameters of а localized new growth in soft tissues Ьу means ofpressure field measurements on its surface in а static case are considered. А minimax method of estimation of heterogeneity parameters in soft tissues is proposed. The analysis of maximum possiЬilities for detecting and estimating the heterogeneity parameters at measurements of pressure on the sample surface is carried out. The analysis of the information content measurements for the estimation of localized inclusion parameters is carried out. The validity of the metl10ds proposed is demonstrated bу а numerical experiment.

D.А. Pashko, Yu.Р. Pyt'ev, and А.Р. Sarvazyan
Department of Computer Methods in Physics
Issue 5, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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