Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Short-range order and characteristic temperature of high-temperature fcc phase of the Mn-21 АТ.% Ga alloy

V.М. Silonov and S.Yu. Rodin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 5. P. 83

  • Article

The existence of а strong short-range order has Ъееn discovered using the method of diffuse scattering of X-rays in the high-temperature face-centered cublc (FCC) phase of the Mn-21 at. % Ga alloy, its parameters have bееn evaluated, and the characteristic temperature (0п = 200°С) has bееn determined. The elastic constants used for calculating the modulating functions of the dimensional effect have Ъееn calculated with the aid of the model potential technique. The short-range order parameters ai for the first four coordination spheres appeared to bе -0.16, 0.23, 0.12, and -0.24, respectively.

V.М. Silonov and S.Yu. Rodin
Department of Solid-State Physics
Issue 5, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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