Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Spatial quantization of edge laser speckles

Yu.V. Vasil'ev, E.F. Kuritsyna, and А.Е. Luk'yanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 4. P. 85

  • Article

The phenomenon of spatial quantization of edge laser speckles, directly observed а large distance apart from the diffraction edge, was found experimentally in diffraction of а Gaussian beam of laser radiation strongly contracted in the cross section at the straight sharpened edge of а semi-infinite metallic screen.

Yu.V. Vasil'ev, E.F. Kuritsyna, and А.Е. Luk'yanov
Department of General Physics, Department of Physical Electronics
Issue 4, 1997

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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