Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Bright and dark quadratic solitons of the envelope at frequency multiplicity

S.V. Derevyankin, A.P. Sukhorukov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1999. 54. N 3. P. 87

  • Article

The cases of pumping at a high $\omega_3$ and a low $\omega_2$ frequency have been studied. The properties of kink at the third harmonic frequency and of bright solitons at the first and second harmonic frequencies have been considered. The envelopes for high-frequency kinks at various relationships between the group velocities and the nonlinear distortion factors of the two three-frequency parametric interaction channels have been calculated by the numerical methods. The low-perturbation method describing the behavior of wave amplitudes at infinity has been suggested.

S.V. Derevyankin, A.P. Sukhorukov
Department of Radiophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 1999

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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