Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Observation of loop trap of solar cosmic rays on August 20, 1991

S.I. Ermakov, N.N. Kontor, G.P. Lyubimov, N.N. Pavlov, V.I. Tulupov, E.A. Chuchkov, B.Ya. Shcherbovsky

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2000. 55. N 3. P. 60

  • Article

A short-time increase in fluxes of solar cusmic rays (SCR) directed towards the Sun on August 20, 1991 has been considered. It is shown that this increase was caused by a loop structure of an intnplanetary magnetic field (IMF) filled with SCR particles moving towards the Sun that was passing through the neighborhood of the Earth. A large-scltle IMF structure that existed in the Earth's neighborhood on August 18-20, 1991 has been constructed.

S.I. Ermakov, N.N. Kontor, G.P. Lyubimov, N.N. Pavlov, V.I. Tulupov, E.A. Chuchkov, B.Ya. Shcherbovsky
Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 2000

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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