Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A method of measuring proton and helium nuclei energy by specific energy release in the maxima of hadronic cascades in dense matter

I.D. Rapoport, A.N. Turundaevsky, V.Ya. Shestoperov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2001. 56. N 5. P. 50

  • Article

A method is suggested for determining the energy of protons and He nuclei (in the energy range over 1 TeV) based on measuring the energy release in the maxima of hadronic cascades induced by these particles in dense matter. The accuracy attainable in energy measurements has been evaluated, and comparison is made between model results and the results obtained in the experiment "Sokol-2".

I.D. Rapoport, A.N. Turundaevsky, V.Ya. Shestoperov
Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 5, 2001

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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