Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Calculating the intensity of thermal diffuse scattering by polycrystalline BCC and FCC metals following the born method of model potentials

V.M. Silonov, I.A. Balakirev, A.Yu. Geniev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2003. 58. N 5. P. 55

  • Article

Based on the Max Born theory, a new method has been proposed for calculating the intensity of thermal diffuse scattering by bcc and fee polycrystalline metals. In distinction to the hitherto much used Borie theory based on the Debye model, it has been suggested that real relationships between vibration frequencies and the wave vector be used. Phonon spectra were calculated both in the Born— Begbie approximation (with inclusion of elastic constants $c_{11},c_{12},c_{44}$) and by the model potential method with consideration for interactions in an arbitrary coordination sphere.

V.M. Silonov, I.A. Balakirev, A.Yu. Geniev
Department of Solid-State Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 5, 2003

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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