Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Formation of dipole clusters in albumin solutions containing cadmium ions and europium chelate complexons

G.P. Petrova, Yu.M. Petrusevich, B.D. Ryzhikov, V.V. Akimov, N.V. Sokol

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2003. 58. N 5. P. 38

  • Article

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions containing cadmium ions or europium chelate molecules in low concentrations have been studied by the polarized fluorescence technique. Luminescence spectra of the europium chelate in aqueous solutions differing in chelate concentration and pH value have been obtained, as well as luminescence spectra of europium chelate-containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions differing in BSA concentration and the medium pH value. The rotational correlation time of particles in solutions containing, in addition to albumin, cadmium ions or europium chelate complexons is an order of magnitude longer than that of the albumin molecules proper. This result can be explained by the formation of protein clusters, which is also confirmed by the results obtained by means of the static light scattering technique.

G.P. Petrova, Yu.M. Petrusevich, B.D. Ryzhikov, V.V. Akimov, N.V. Sokol
Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 5, 2003

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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