Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Transverse scattering of surface plasmon-polaritons and speckles

Yu.V. Vasil'ev, A.V. Kozar', E.F. Kuritsyna, A.E. Luk'yanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2004. 59. N 3. P. 70

  • Article

The phenomenon of origination of a two-dimensional cluster speckle pattern in the vicinity of a one-dimensional chain speckle pattern has been experimentally discovered. It is due to the transverse dispersion of the resonance rescattering of surface plasmon—polaritons on a chaotically modulated metal diffraction grating with a rough surface.

Yu.V. Vasil'ev, A.V. Kozar', E.F. Kuritsyna, A.E. Luk'yanov
Department of General Physics, Department of Radio Physics, Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 2004

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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