Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Structural transformations in alloyed TiNi: decomposition of solid solutions and martensitic transformations

Е.А. Brovkina and A.G. Khundzhua

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2005. 60. N 4. P. 72

  • Article

Alloys relating to the three main sections of the Ti-Ni-Me system (Me-alloying metal) that correspond to the formulas Ti$_{50}$Ni$_{50-x}$Me$_x$, Ti$_{50-x}$Ni$_{50}$Me$_{x}$, Ti$_{50-x}$Ni$_{50-x}$Me$_{2x}$ are considered. The experimental data availaЫe on the solubllity of alloying elements, martensitic transformations, and decomposition of solid solutions in the above systems are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn that there exist at least two types of decomposition of the В2 solid solution in TiNi-base alloys, each being accompanied Ьу the appropriate changes in the characteristics of martensitic transformations.

Е.А. Brovkina and A.G. Khundzhua
Departmeпt of Solid-State Physics
Issue 4, 2005

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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