Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Studying the features of Со ions sorption in aqueous serum albumin solutions

Yu.M. Petrusevich, G.P. Petrova, А.М. Makurenkov, and A.V. Boiko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2006. N 1. P. 64

  • Article

The sorption of cobalt ions on the surface of albumin macromolecules in aqueous solutions is studied Ьу the nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation method. The number of the sorption centers is determined and the adsorption energy is estimated. The dynamic light scattering method is used to measure the diffusion coefficients of the macromolecular albumin clusters formed in the presence of cobalt ions.

Yu.M. Petrusevich, G.P. Petrova, А.М. Makurenkov, and A.V. Boiko
Department of Medical Physics. Department of Molecular Physics
Issue 1, 2006

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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