Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Measurement reduction method in the proЫem of detecting the paramagnetism- induced superparamagnetism phase transition

V.I. Nikolaev and О.Р. Тretyakova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2006. N 1. P. 96

  • Article

The potentialities offered bу the measurement reduction method in the problem of detecting the paramagnetism-induced superparamagnetism phase transition exemplified Ьу а system of nanoparticles with а log-normal size distribution have bееn studied. It is shown that the method makes it possiЪle to transform initial experimental data to а form which would correspond to the improvement of the actual experimental conditions (in the first place, а significantly smaller size scatter of particles). Аll basic features of the method application "technology" are illustrated on а concrete example of the temperature-field dependence of magnetic susceptibllity for an ensemЪle of nanoparticles in the Curie point region.

V.I. Nikolaev and О.Р. Тretyakova
Department of General Physics
Issue 1, 2006

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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