Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Influence of shell effects on the angular distributions of fission fragments

D.O. Eremenko, V.A. Drozdov, S.Yu. Platonov, O.V. Fotina, M.H. Eslamizadeh, O.A. Yuminov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2008. 63. N 2. P. 118

  • Article

A dynamical-statistical model is used to analyze the experimental angular distributions of fission fragments in the reactions $\alpha+{}^{238}$U, $^{237}$Np at $E_\alpha=(20\div100)$ MeV, as well as to determine the Am isotope fission probabilities and the shape isomer yields in the reactions $d+{}^{242,240}$Pu at $E_d=(20\div30)$ MeV. Manifestations of shell effects are found in the fission barrier structure up to the excitation energies of $(50\div60)$ MeV.

D.O. Eremenko, V.A. Drozdov, S.Yu. Platonov, O.V. Fotina, M.H. Eslamizadeh, O.A. Yuminov
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 2008

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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