Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Acoustic-optical interaction in photonic crystals: Frequency dependence of Bragg angle

Z.A. Pyatakova, G.V. Belokopytov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2009. 64. N 3. P. 282

  • Article

A method is developed for calculating the frequency dependences of the Bragg angle in two-dimensional photonic crystals for isotropic and anisotropic Bragg diffractions. It is shown that the frequency dependences of the Bragg angle exhibit some interesting features related to the formation of partial forbidden bands of optical and acoustic waves.

Received: 2008 October 13
Approved: 2009 July 10
43.35.Cg Ultrasonic velocity, dispersion, scattering, diffraction, and attenuation in solids; elastic constants
42.70.Qs Photonic bandgap materials
Z.A. Pyatakova, G.V. Belokopytov
Department of Oscillation Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
Issue 3, 2009

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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