In many modern papers devoted to the calculation of radio emissions from extensive atmospheric showers (EASs) in the 10–100 MHz range, the radiation from EASs of charged particles moving with a velocity higher than the speed of light in air is identified as Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation (VCR). In this paper it is shown that radio emissions from EASs at frequencies less than 100 MHz do not possess the properties of VCR recorded from EASs in the optical range.
Received: 2009 January 30
Approved: 2009 July 10
PACS: Extensive air showers
41.60.-m Radiation by moving charges
41.60.Bq Cherenkov radiation
07.05.Tp Computer modeling and simulation
41.60.-m Radiation by moving charges
41.60.Bq Cherenkov radiation
07.05.Tp Computer modeling and simulation
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
N.N. Kalmykov, A.A. Konstantinov
Skobel’tsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Skobel’tsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia