Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Vector functional spaces related to the electromagnetic diffraction problem in a conical domain and their properties

I.A. Balantsev, A.L. Delitsyn

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2009. 64. N 3. P. 255

  • Article

A special vector functional space is defined for a weak formulation of the diffraction problem in a cone. For this space, a number of embedding theorems are proved. It is also shown that the diffraction problem is reduced to the Fredholm equation.

Received: 2008 September 15
Approved: 2009 July 10
02.30.Sa Functional analysis
I.A. Balantsev, A.L. Delitsyn
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 3, 2009

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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