The concept of entangled quantum measurement was demonstrated by the example of the fundamental value of the experiment on quantum nondemolition measurement of a photon in a resonator with the use of a probe atom [1]. The quantum-information analysis of this experiment was performed. A mechanism of information transmission in the nondemolition measurement scheme in the case of the classical and quantum formalism was demonstrated. The results were shown to coincide in both cases. This is the result of copying the classical part of the initial quantum information attributed to a set of quantum object states.
Received: 2009 July 17
Approved: 2009 December 14
03.65.Ta Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory
42.50.Dv Quantum state engineering and measurements
42.50.Dv Quantum state engineering and measurements
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
D.N. Yanyshev, B.A. Grishanin, V.N. Zadkov.
Faculty of Physics and International Laser Center, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Faculty of Physics and International Laser Center, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia