Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Critical properties of binary liquid mixtures at different temperature modes

S.G. Il’ina, K.A. Keivsar, A.V. Nikulin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2009. 64. N 6. P. 621

  • Article

The coexistence curves (CC) of two binary mixtures, methanol-heptane (M-H) and perfluorodekaline-heptan (PFD-H), are measured for two temperature modes, namely heating and cooling. Distinctions in the behavior of the two systems in different temperature modes are revealed. For the M-H system this is likely to be attributed to the effects of surface processes and for the PFD-H systems, to the formation of colloidal structures. An additional signal related to the contribution of a meniscal layer is found and measured.

Received: 2009 June 26
Approved: 2009 November 5
64.60.-i General studies of phase transitions
42.25.Gy Edge and boundary effects; reflection and refraction
00.00.00 GENERAL
S.G. Il’ina, K.A. Keivsar, A.V. Nikulin
Physics Faculty, Chair of Molecular Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 6, 2009

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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