A method for analyzing processes of less than 1 μs duration in the model, which was introduced earlier for studying the regulation of photosynthesis, is created. This method makes possible consideration of the initial stages of transitional modes. The obtained theoretical kinetics of the induction of photosystem II fluorescence and photosystem I EPR signal qualitatively conform those observed in experiments. The model demonstrates a complicated nonlinear relationship between the fluorescence of the photosystem II and the redox state of the electron transport chain of chloroplast.
Received: 2009 July 20
Approved: 2009 October 21
PACS: Photochemistry, photosynthesis
87.80.Vt Dynamical, regulatory, and integrative biology
87.64.Hd EPR and NMR spectroscopy
87.80.Vt Dynamical, regulatory, and integrative biology
87.64.Hd EPR and NMR spectroscopy
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
D.V. Kirzhanov$^1$, A.K. Kukushkin$^2$
$^1$Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of RAS, Small Kharitonjevsky, 4, Moscow, 101990, Russia
$^2$Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^1$Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of RAS, Small Kharitonjevsky, 4, Moscow, 101990, Russia
$^2$Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia