The theory of sqwall storms is created. Results of theoretical calculations is compared with observations.
Received: 2009 October 1
Approved: 2010 November 13
92.60.Ox Tropical meteorology
92.60.Fm Boundary layer structure and processes
47.35.Fg Solitary waves
92.60.Gn Winds and their effects
92.60.Fm Boundary layer structure and processes
47.35.Fg Solitary waves
92.60.Gn Winds and their effects
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Arsenyev S.A.A., Shelkovnikov N.K.
Moscow. GSP-2. 119992. Leninskie gory. Physical faculty. Chair of the physics of sea and land water
Moscow. GSP-2. 119992. Leninskie gory. Physical faculty. Chair of the physics of sea and land water