Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The gain of the stimulated scattering of a two-dimensional localized pumping wave at arbitrary scattering angles

D.K. Solikhov$^1$, K.N. Ovchinnikov$^2$, S.A. Dvinin$^3$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2012. 67. N 1. P. 62

  • Article

The problem of the stimulated scattering of a two-dimensional localized pumping wave is considered. The dependence of the spatial gain on the angle of scattering and intensity of pumping is found. Interpretation of this gain is given at arbitrary relationships between the free path of the sound wave and transverse dimension of the interaction domain.

Received: 2011 September 20
Approved: 2012 March 21
52.38.Bv Rayleigh scattering; stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering
D.K. Solikhov$^1$, K.N. Ovchinnikov$^2$, S.A. Dvinin$^3$
$^1$Tajik National University, Dushanbe, 734025, Tajikistan
$^2$Lebedev Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^3$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2012

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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