Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Using the dynamic light-scattering method for the analysis of a blood-serum model solution

I.M. Papok, G.P. Petrova, K.A. Anenkova, E.A. Papish

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2012. 67. N 5. P. 452

  • Article

We used photon correlation spectroscopy to investigate various dynamic processes that occur in samples of a blood-serum solution. These processes were induced by directional changes of the surface charges of macromolecules and the concentration of the solution. We suggest that the obtained associations between the translational diffusion coefficient value ($D_t$) and the medium pH value, as well as the protein concentration value, indicate the possibility of using the dynamic light scattering method for the effective diagnosis of common diseases, including cardiovascular lesions and cancers.

Received: 2012 May 15
Approved: 2012 November 2
36.20.-r Macromolecules and polymer molecules
I.M. Papok, G.P. Petrova, K.A. Anenkova, E.A. Papish
Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 5, 2012

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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