Complex and multi-dimensional biological systems possess a unique feature - a continuous, random motion of many components of the state vector (of living) systems x = x(t). Taking this property into consideration causes the denial of any known types of stationary modes (e.g., dx/dt = 0) and requires the revision of chaos. A new approach proposed to the understanding the living systems (as a third paradigm of natural science) and new methods for the study of living systems (as theory of chaos and self-organization). Common grounds of physics and theory of chaos and self- organization are revealed as a generalized uncertainty principle and limits on the parameters of quasi-attractors.
Received: 2015 September 11
Approved: 2016 April 18
87.10.+e General theory and mathematical aspects
87.18.-h Biological complexity
87.18.Vf Systems biology
87.18.-h Biological complexity
87.18.Vf Systems biology
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.M. Eskov, V.V. Eskov, J.V. Vochmina, T.V. Gavrilenko
628405, Russia, Surgut, pr. Lenin,1.
628405, Russia, Surgut, pr. Lenin,1.