Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Review Article

Decay channels of the standart Higgs boson

K. S. Abdullaev, Sh. M. Gojaev, Mirfarkhad Saddikh

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2017. 72. N 4. P. 329

  • Article

In this work we are discussed the decay channels of the Higgs boson. In the framework of the Standard Model we are calculated the partial decay widths and displayed the decay widths as functions of the Higgs mass.

Received: 2016 June 14
Approved: 2017 October 2
14.80.Bn Standard-model Higgs bosons
12.15.-y Electroweak interactions
12.15.Mm Neutral currents
14.70.Fm W bosons
K. S. Abdullaev, Sh. M. Gojaev, Mirfarkhad Saddikh
$^1$Baku State University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, AZ-1148, st. acad. Z.Khalilov, 23
Issue 4, 2017

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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