Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Studying the Concentration Dependences of IR Spectra for Aqueous Solutions of Alkali Metal Chlorides at a Negative Temperature

A. V. Koroleva, V. K. Matveev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2018. 73. N 4. P. 388

  • Article

In this work, the concentration dependences of IR spectra were studied for aqueous LiCl, NaCl, RbCl, and CsCl solutions within the range from 4 to 0.2 M and an aqueous KCl solution within the range from 3 to 0.2 M at a temperature of –3.5°C in the middle IR region. The wavenumbers of the absorption band maxima were determined for stretching (ν1, ν3), combined (ν2 + νL), and bending ν2 vibrations at these concentrations. The established trends of the shift in the considered absorption bands provided a basis to make several conclusions about the structural transformations of the studied solutions with a decrease in concentration within the studied range. The calculations demonstrated an increase in the energy of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and their reduction in length with decreasing concentration for all of the studied solutions.

Received: 2017 July 12
Approved: 2019 January 24
33.20.Ea Infrared spectra
A. V. Koroleva, V. K. Matveev
$^1$Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, chair of General Physics and Molecular Electronics.\
$^2$Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Issue 4, 2018

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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