Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 1, 1978

The line shape in polarization active spectroscopy of combination (raman) scattering of light

The line shape in polarization active spectroscopy of combination (raman) scattering of light

A.F. Bunkin, M.G. Karimov, and N.I. Koroteev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 1

We propose and carry out a method of resolving the internal structure of inhomogeneously broadened bands in spontaneous combination (Raman) scattering by means of polarization active spectroscopy of combination light scattering.

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The dynamics of the thermocline in the inshore part of the sea

The dynamics of the thermocline in the inshore part of the sea

N.K. Shelkovnikov, N.N. Seleznev, and V.V. Timofeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 6

Thermal and dynamic problems of the inshore part of the sea are discussed. Data on the vertical temperature and current-velocity profiles are given.

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On the energy measurement sensitivity of microwave cavities using an electron beam

On the energy measurement sensitivity of microwave cavities using an electron beam

Yu.I. Vorontsov and V.V. Kolesov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 10

The interaction of an electron beam with the field of a microwave cavity is investigated. An expression for the noise temperature of the apparatus is derived. The minimum attainable noise temperature for a single transit system is evaluated.

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Existence of solutions to the equations for the green's functions of the $φ^3$ -interaction model

Existence of solutions to the equations for the green's functions of the $φ^3$ -interaction model

N.F. Nelipa and A.E. Pukhov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 14

The problem of the existence.of solutions of the Green's function equations is discussed.

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Proof of a quasi linear equation for a bounded beam

Proof of a quasi linear equation for a bounded beam

P. Krocek (Czechoslovakia)

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 18

A theoretical investigation is made of the problem of quasilinear relaxation of a bounded plane - parallel beam. A derivation is given of a quasilinear transport equation for a bounded beam allowing for specular reflection of electrons by the confining walls; this equation is solved explicitly for a monoenergetic beam. It is shown that at the hydrodynamic stage the quasilinear relaxation of abounded beam is of the same nature as the relaxation of an unbounded beam. A characteristic feature of the relaxation is an inhomogeneity of the electron temperature distribution across the direction of motion.

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NMR spectra in the semimedium-coupling range

NMR spectra in the semimedium-coupling range

V.S. Tumanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 22

General formulas are derived for the semimedium - couplingrange, accurate to the third approximation of perturbation theory for the frequencies and the second approximation for the intensities. A general formula is derived for the fourth-approximation frequencies in the case in which this approximation makes the main contribution to the splitting. It is shown that the spectra of systems of non-equivalent nuclei preserves in the third approximation the structure characteristic for the first - order spectra. General relations are obtained for determination of the sequence of the lines formed as a result of lifting of degeneracy.

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Experimental studies of sea-air heat exchange

Experimental studies of sea-air heat exchange

N.A. Skorokhvatov, E.G. Andreev, and G.G. Khundzhua

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 28

The results of field studies of the total heat flux and effective radiation flux of the sea surface that were made during a 1976 Black Sea expedition are reported. Newly developed instruments were used to obtain curves of the diurnal cycles of these fluxes, and comparative data are presented for open-sea and inshore areas. The influence of an oil film on the heat fluxes from the sea into the atmosphere is illustrated.

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Synthesis of continuous matching systems

Synthesis of continuous matching systems

E.V. Imenitova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 32

The paper demonstrates the possibility of computing the synthesis of matching media for continuous parameter distribution. The algorithm developed can beused to specify the thickness of the matching layer and the refractive-index curve in the layer.

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Induced radiation of an anharmonic oscillator in a strong electromagnetic field

Induced radiation of an anharmonic oscillator in a strong electromagnetic field

V.F. Korolev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 36

We derive an expression for the power of induced radiation from an anharmonic oscillator in a strong electromagnetic field. It is shown that the maximum radiation power of such an oscillator is obtained in the case that the induced radiation lifetime is much less than the mean time between molecular collisions.

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Radiation of a charge in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

Radiation of a charge in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

V.Ch. Zhukovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 40

The radiation of a relativistic charge moving in an inhomogeneous guiding magnetic field of sufficiently smooth form is considered. The polarization-angle characteristic of the radiation are determined as they depend on the vertical deviation of velocity from the equilibrium value. It is shown that there is no explicit dependence of radiation intensity on the radial velocity component in the approximation considered.

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Leptonic processes in an ultrastrong magnetic field

Leptonic processes in an ultrastrong magnetic field

V.Ch. Zhukovskii, P.A. Eminov, Sharif Abdullah Hamid (Sudan)

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 45

The emission of a massive neutral vector particle by a charged lepton in a magnetic field H and the decay of a resting muon in which an electron is produced in the ground state are considered. The probabilities of these processes are calculated. It is shown that these processes may become most probable in the range of ultrastrong fields $H ≥H_{0}=(m^{2}c^{3})/(e_{0}ħ)= 4,41∙10^{13}$ G.

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Hydrodynamic description of waves in a relativistic plasma with allowance for radiative deceleration

Hydrodynamic description of waves in a relativistic plasma with allowance for radiative deceleration

L.S. Kuz'menkov and P.A. Polyakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 52

Linear oscillations of a relativistic plasma are investigated with consideration of radiative deceleration in the hydrodynamic approximat ion. A relativistically invariant dispersion relation is obtained and analyzed for a stationary plasma in the absence of external fields, for a plasma moving at a constant average velocity, and for waves propagating parallel and perpendicular to an external magnetic field. It is shown that the energy losses in collective emission of electrons results in damping of all types of plasma oscillations. This damping exceeds the Landau damping for waves in a plasma with density $n≥10^9$ cm^3, whose phase velocities are at least an order of magnitude higher than the electron thermal velocity.

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Decay of a quasistationary state in the presence of a nonstationary perturbation

Decay of a quasistationary state in the presence of a nonstationary perturbation

V.I. Grigor'ev and E.R. Lubenets

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 57

The influence of a time-dependent perturbation on the probability of tunneling of a particle through a barrier is considered on the basis of solution of the nonstationary Schroedinger equation.

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Distribution of the intensity of an electric field resonance-type systems

Distribution of the intensity of an electric field resonance-type systems

A.V. Kozar, V.S. Kolesnikov, and Yu.A. Pirogov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 64

The method of impedance characteristics is used to discuss the distribution of an electric field in multilayer resonance-type systems capable of amplifying the amplitude of the incident field inside the system by Interference effects. Analytic relationships for the intensity of an electric field in layers of different structures are derived using real parameters of dielectrics.

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On the theory of superconductivity in a disordered system

On the theory of superconductivity in a disordered system

V.L. Bonch-Bruevich and A.B. Timofeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 72

In this paper we examine the possibility of the occurrence of superconductivity in a disordered system. In view of the results obtained here, we discuss the possibility of superconductivity in amorphous semiconductors in which the free charge carriers are created in sufficient number by the action of light.

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Periodic motions of an axisymmetric satellite about the center of mass on a circular orbit (I)

Periodic motions of an axisymmetric satellite about the center of mass on a circular orbit (I)

Yu.V. Barkin and A.A. Pankratov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 79

Poincare's small-parameter method for Hamiltonian systems is used to investigate the existence of periodic solutions in the problem of rotational motion of an axisymmetric satellite about its center of mass on a circular orbit. The motion of the satellite is described by Andoyer's canonical osculating elements. Analytic conditions are obtained for the existence of Schwarzschild and Poincare periodic solutions and they are investigated qualitatively and numerically.

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Measurement of high-energy electrons and protons in the outer radiation belt and in the region of nonclosed drift shells

Measurement of high-energy electrons and protons in the outer radiation belt and in the region of nonclosed drift shells

V.S. Tsaplin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 88

Molecular laser for investigations in a wide infrared frequency range

Molecular laser for investigations in a wide infrared frequency range

V.F. Korolev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 91

Damping of perturbations on a plane shock front

Damping of perturbations on a plane shock front

A.I. Klimov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 94

Dispersion of bounded beams due to anisotropic iomographiс inhomogeneities

Dispersion of bounded beams due to anisotropic iomographiс inhomogeneities

V.D. Gusev and L.I. Prikhod'ko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 97

Electrical properties of hosm alloys at low temperatures

Electrical properties of hosm alloys at low temperatures

O.S. Galkina and I.N. Zakharova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 100

Influence of humidity stratification on conditions for the appearance of free convection

Influence of humidity stratification on conditions for the appearance of free convection

E.P. Anisimova, A.A. Speranskaya, and V.P. Sukhanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 102

On the cosmic background gravitational radiation

On the cosmic background gravitational radiation

M.V. Sazhin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 104

An experimental study of the dispersion relation for the frequency-spectrum components of wind waves

An experimental study of the dispersion relation for the frequency-spectrum components of wind waves

G.E. Kononkova and К.V. Pokazeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 108

Exact solution of the poisson equation for relativistic charred-particle fluxes

Exact solution of the poisson equation for relativistic charred-particle fluxes

Yu.A. Pirogov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 111

Polarization interferometer for measuring small dynamical deformations

Polarization interferometer for measuring small dynamical deformations

L.A. Shenyavskii and V.I. Shmal'gauzen

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 114