Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 3, 1986

Theoretical and mathematical physics

Relativistic spectrum of a two-meson bound state in scalar electrodynamics

Relativistic spectrum of a two-meson bound state in scalar electrodynamics

A.P. Martynenko, R.N. Faustov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Within the framework of scalar electrodynamics, the construction of an interaction operator of two scalar particles is considered for the local quasi-potential equation obtained by the "rationalization" method from the Logunov-Tavkhelidze equation. The relativistic spectrum of a two-meson bound state is calculated with an accuracy of $\alpha^{4}$.

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Asymptotic investigation of the rapid growth in the second moment of a magnetic field in a mirror-symmetric flow

Asymptotic investigation of the rapid growth in the second moment of a magnetic field in a mirror-symmetric flow

O.V. Artamonova, D.D. Sokolov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

An asymptotic solution of the Kazantsev equation is constructed in the limit of high magnetic Reynolds numbers; the rate of growth in the energy, the excitation threshold, and the structure of the magnetic-field correlation function are calculated, and compared with the results of numerical integration of the Kazantsev equation.

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Accuracy and reliability of experimental interpretation

Accuracy and reliability of experimental interpretation

Yu.P. Pyt'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

The accuracy of experimental interpretation is determined by the model of the measurement scheme adopted and so does not allow the experimental results to be fully characterized if the reliability of the model is unknown. The concept of the reliability of the model is defined and analyzed in the present work as the minimum probability of erroneous rejection of the model on the basis of measurement results in some set of alternatives.

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Solution of the Helmholtz equation in a strip with piecewise-constant non-self-conjugate boundary conditions

Solution of the Helmholtz equation in a strip with piecewise-constant non-self-conjugate boundary conditions

V.P. Modenov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

A scheme for the orthogonal Galerkin method is constructed on the basis of generalization of the partial-region method to a complex space with a pseudoscalar product. This scheme is applicable to the solution of the boundary problem for the Helmholtz equation in a strip with piecewise-constant non-self-conjugate boundary conditions of impedance type.

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Raman light scattering in [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$, [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$Rb$_{x}$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$, [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$Cs$_{x}$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$ crystals

Raman light scattering in [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$, [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$Rb$_{x}$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$, [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$Cs$_{x}$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$ crystals

L.P. Avakyants, V.P. Burtseva, D.F. Kiselev, E.D. Obraztsova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

The Raman scattering spectra in crystals of the ammonium-sulfate family are investigated. In the external-vibration spectra of the [(NH$_{4}$)$_{1-x}$Rb$_x$]$_{2}$SO$_{4}$ and (NH$_4$)$_2$SO$_4$ at room temperature, two vibrations of symmetry A are seen; their frequency depends linearly on the ionic radius of the cation and monotonically on its mass ($\approx$1/$\sqrt{M}$). A dependence of the internal vibration frequency $\nu _{1}$ of the SO$_{4}^{-2}$ group on the type of cation is observed.

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Gage transformations of singular potentials of a Dirac monopole

Gage transformations of singular potentials of a Dirac monopole

I.P. Volobuev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Supersymmetry of elementary particles

Supersymmetry of elementary particles

G.A. Sardanashvili, O.A. Zakharov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.
Atomic and nuclear physics

Experiment on the nuclear composition and energy spectra of solar cosmic rays on the Prognoz-9 spacecraft

Experiment on the nuclear composition and energy spectra of solar cosmic rays on the Prognoz-9 spacecraft

S.A. Belyakov, Ju.P. Gordeev, Yu.I. Denisov, G.Ya. Kolesov, A.N. Podorol'skii, B.A. Nikitin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

An instrument with semiconductor telescopes is described; the basic factors determining its resolving power are considered; experimental data characterizing the operation of the instrument on a spacecraft are given.

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Accuracy of the moments of the angular distribution of electron-photon cascades

Accuracy of the moments of the angular distribution of electron-photon cascades

I.P. Ivanenko, V.V. Sizov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

For the example of angular moments, the sensitivity of the angular characteristics of electron-photon cascades to details of the description of elementary interactions is investigated. The physical accuracy of models widely used to describe Rutherford scattering is studied: the Landau and small-angle approximations, and the case when screening and the finite nuclear dimensions are taken approximately into account. Specific calculations are made for the mean cosine and the mean-square angle for electrons and photons in air and lead.

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Protons and deuterons from the electrofission of $^{12}$С for E$_E$ = 250 MeV

Protons and deuterons from the electrofission of $^{12}$С for E$_E$ = 250 MeV

A.Kh. Shardanov, B.A. Yur'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Time-of-flight effects in crystals of reduced titanium dioxide in the presence of space-charge-limited currents

Time-of-flight effects in crystals of reduced titanium dioxide in the presence of space-charge-limited currents

V.L. Kashintseva, G.I. Ovchinnikova, A.B. Snedkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Effects associated with the time of flight of charge carriers through the crystal volume in rutile-based materials in the presence of carrier injection from the contacts and of space-charge-limited currents are observed. Measuring the time of flight of injected charge carriers allows the microscopic mobility of the charge carriers in single crystals of reduced rutile to be determined.

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Propagation of a light pulse in a semiconductor

Propagation of a light pulse in a semiconductor

T.M. Il'inova, T.V. Ishchenko, I.M. Sorokina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

The self-consistent problem of incoherent photoexcitation of a straight-band nondegenerate intrinsic self-conductor is considered in the limiting cases of slow and fast electron-electron relaxation. A dependence of the concentration of free charge carriers on the pumping energy is obtained. The absorption of the pulse propagating in the semiconductor is studied.

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Determining the mean ray trajectories in an ionospheric layer with isotropic inhomogeneities

Determining the mean ray trajectories in an ionospheric layer with isotropic inhomogeneities

V.D. Gusev, I.G. Vasil'eva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Inverse boundary problem for a solid

Inverse boundary problem for a solid

V.A. Burov, A.A. Goryunov, T.A. Tikhonova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.
Optics and spectroscopy

Quenching of excited states of fluorescein dye molecules by external heavy atoms

Quenching of excited states of fluorescein dye molecules by external heavy atoms

L.V. Levshin, L.K. Sokolova, G.A. Ketsle, V.V. Bryukhanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

The deactivation of triplet states of the dyes eosin and erythrosine in the presence of external heavy atoms (EHA) of iodine (the salt KI) is studied by the method of pulsed lamp excitation of the luminescence and triplet-triplet absorption of aqueous solutions of these dyes. It is found that, in conditions of constant concentration of the triplet dye molecules, the influence of EHA results in ignition of slow fluorescence of type E due to intensification of the rate of intercombinational transition of the molecules to the singlet excited state.

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Transformation of the time coherence of laser radiation in a noninertial nonlinear medium

Transformation of the time coherence of laser radiation in a noninertial nonlinear medium

V.A. Aleshkevich, G.D. Kozhoridze, A.N. Matveev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Interferences of the processes of generation of the third optical harmonic and the sum frequency in reflection from the Si surface: relation with symmetry of the crystalline structure

Interferences of the processes of generation of the third optical harmonic and the sum frequency in reflection from the Si surface: relation with symmetry of the crystalline structure

S.V. Govorkov, N.I. Koroteev, I.L. Shumai

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Distribution of the amplification over the rotational lines in a continuous-action СО$_{2}$ laser

Distribution of the amplification over the rotational lines in a continuous-action СО$_{2}$ laser

A.B. Vasil'ev, V.A. Spazhakin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.
Solid state physics

Influence of omnidirectional pressure on the exchange parameters in compounds Gd$_{x}$Y$_{1-x}$Fe$_{2}$

Influence of omnidirectional pressure on the exchange parameters in compounds Gd$_{x}$Y$_{1-x}$Fe$_{2}$

A.K. Kupriyanov, V. A. Vasil'kovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

The nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) spectra of $^{89}$Y and $^{57}$Fе in the compunds YFe$_{2}$ and Gd$_{0,2}$Y$_{0,8}$Fe$_{2}$ under omnidirectional compression are obtained. Analysis of the experimental results allows the dependence of the parameters of indirect exchange interaction on the volume to be estimated.

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Magnetoelastic contribution to the magnetocaloric effect in the antiferromagnetism-ferromagnetism transition in terbium-dysprosium alloys

Magnetoelastic contribution to the magnetocaloric effect in the antiferromagnetism-ferromagnetism transition in terbium-dysprosium alloys

S.A. Nikitin, T.I. Ivanova, P.I. Leont'ev, E.V. Talalaeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

The magnetocaloric effect, magnetostriction, and thermal expansion of terbium-dysprosium alloys in the region of magnetic phase transitions is experimentally investigated. On the basis of the results obtained, a magnetic phase diagram of Tb-Dy alloys is plotted, the change in magnetoelastic energy in the phase transition from helicoidal antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism is calculated, and it is shown that this change is responsible for the large heat of transition and the magnetocaloric effect.

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Theory of reflection from a M$\stackrel{..}{o}$ssbauer mirror. Taking account of laminar variation in the parameters of the hyperfine interact ions close to the surface

Theory of reflection from a M$\stackrel{..}{o}$ssbauer mirror. Taking account of laminar variation in the parameters of the hyperfine interact ions close to the surface

M.A. Andreevа, C. Rosete (Mexico)

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

A matrix theory of the specular reflection of resonant radiation from the smooth surface of a medium containing M$\stackrel{..}{o}$ssbauer nuclei is developed, taking account of possible changes in the parameters of the hyperfine interactions close to the surface. The basic optical characteristics of the medium required to solve the reflection problem - the propagation matrix, the normal-refraction and surface-impedance tensors - are expressed in the first approximation in terms of the amplitudes of coherent nuclear resonant scattering.

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Variation in the magnetic properties of the surface layer of amorphous Gd-Fe films on oxidation

Variation in the magnetic properties of the surface layer of amorphous Gd-Fe films on oxidation

G.V. Smirnitskaya, L.V. Nikitin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.

Temperature dependence of the polarizational hysteresis of the volt-farad characteristics of Al-(Ba$_{0,9}$Sr$_{0,1}$)TiO$_{3}$-Si structures

Temperature dependence of the polarizational hysteresis of the volt-farad characteristics of Al-(Ba$_{0,9}$Sr$_{0,1}$)TiO$_{3}$-Si structures

L.B. Gorodnik, N.L. Levshin, A.N. Nevzorov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. N 3.