Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 3, 1989

Atomic and nuclear physics

Configurational splitting of the giant dipole resonance in light nuclei

Configurational splitting of the giant dipole resonance in light nuclei

В.S. Ishkhanov, I.М. Kapitonov, V.G. Neudachin, V.G. Shevchenko, R.А. Eramzhyan, and N.Р. Yudin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 1

А review of configurational splitting of the giant dipole resonance in light nuclei, discovered at Мoscow State University, is presented. The phenornenon occurs at low and interrnediate energies.

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Effect of post-collision interaction on the interference of autoionization resonances with а continuous spectrum

Effect of post-collision interaction on the interference of autoionization resonances with а continuous spectrum

Sh.D. Kunikeev and V.S. Senashenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 18

А qualitative study is reported of the effect of final-state interaction on the interference between autoionization resonances with а continuous spectrum. It is shown that adequate description of interferences requires the inclusion of the post-collision interaction in the expressions for the amplitudes for both direct and resonant ionizing transitions.

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Theoretical and mathematical physics

Reduction methods in proЫems involving the reconstruction of the shape of а surface from а set of its zero images

Reduction methods in proЫems involving the reconstruction of the shape of а surface from а set of its zero images

А.Р. Ivanov and Yu.Р. Pyt'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 22

An algorithm is developed for reconstructing the shape of а selfluminous surface from а set of its zero images. An algorithm is also obtained for the computerized synthesis of any other zero images of the surface from the same set.

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Optics and spectroscopy

Reflection coefficients of multilayer metal-dielectric coatings deposited on а metal substrate

Reflection coefficients of multilayer metal-dielectric coatings deposited on а metal substrate

S.V. Grebenshchikov, N.V. Grishina, add М.F. Malkhozov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 29

А numerical analysis is r~ported of the reflection coefficient of metal mirrors with dielectric coatings containing thin metallic interlayers.

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Saturation effect in time-domain CARS spectroscopy

Saturation effect in time-domain CARS spectroscopy

V.В. Morozov, S.Yu. Nikitin, L.Р. Platonov, and V.G. Tunkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 33

Experiments on time-domain coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy in thallium vapor have revealed the saturation of the anti-Stokes signal as the probe pulse energy was increased. Тhе effect is explained in terms of а "oscillation quenching" mechanism.

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Squeezed states in space-limited light beams

Squeezed states in space-limited light beams

А.V. Belinskii and А.S. Chirkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 40

Тhе preparation of squeezed states of space-limited light beams is investigated in the case of parametric amplification. It is shown for the first time that classical noise in а divergent beam can bе squeezed more effectively than in а collimated beam.

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Structural properties of thin-film interference filters

Structural properties of thin-film interference filters

А.V. Kozar and А.V. Kozlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 46

It is shown analytically that it is possible to synthesize thin- film interference filters in which not only the optical thickness of the films but also the total optical thickness of the entire structure can bе significantly less than the wavelength. The properties of such structures are analyzed and simple analytic expressions are ob tained and can bе used to synthesize these structures for different applications in optics.

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Nanosecond dynamics of melittin: tirae-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy

Nanosecond dynamics of melittin: tirae-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy

Р. Hershman, А.S. Ladokl1in, N.V. Lebedeva, and А.Yu. Chikishev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 51

The spectrai dependence of the decay kinetics of tryptophan fluores cence in water solutions of melittin at different temperatures has been investigated. The temperature dependence of the intramolecular relaxation time of the tryptophanal environment has been determined for the tetrameric form of melittin.

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Solid state physics

Kinematic theory of glancing-incidence X-ray diffraction

Kinematic theory of glancing-incidence X-ray diffraction

M.А. Andreeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 57

Glancing-incidence X-ray diffraction is considered for mosaic crystals under the conditions of total reflection, so that refraction can bе accurately taken into account for both transmitted and diffracted waves in а stratified medium.

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Thermal expansion of iron-baset amorphous alloys at temperatures in the range 4,2-300 К

Thermal expansion of iron-baset amorphous alloys at temperatures in the range 4,2-300 К

V.Е. Rode, S.А. Sorokina, L.А. Arkhipkin, and Е.Yu. Sumarokov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 63

Measurements are reported of the thermal expansion coefficient of amorphous invar alloys containing 15-20 at.% of Fe in the temperature range 4.2 -300 К. The magnetic contribution to thermal expansion is estimated and the results are interpreted in terms of the coexistence of ferro - and antiferromagnetic components in the amorphous alloy.

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Approximate solution of the Poisson equation for а model of а two-dimensional semiconducting structure

Approximate solution of the Poisson equation for а model of а two-dimensional semiconducting structure

L.V. Kalachev and I.А. Obukhov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 69

An asyrnptotic solution of the Poisson equation is obtained for the electrostatic potential in а rectangular region sirnulating а twodirnensional serniconducting structure. The methods of the theory of singular perturbations are ernployed.

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Anomalous dependence of the Hall emf and thermoelectric power on the magnetic field in $p-Bi_2Te_3$

Anomalous dependence of the Hall emf and thermoelectric power on the magnetic field in $p-Bi_2Te_3$

V.А. Kul'bachinskii, N.Е. Кlokova, S.Уа. Skipidarov, J. Horak, Р. Lostak, and S.А. Azou

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 75

Oscillations have been detected on the Hall voltage in $p-Bi_2Te_3$, single crystals, which have the form of а series of plateaus. The quantization of the Hall effect is due to the staЫlization of the Fermi level in the impurity band lying above the top of the heavy-hole band in $Bi_2Te_3\langle Sn \rangle$.

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Generation of electronic states on the Si-Si02 interface bу avalanche injection

Generation of electronic states on the Si-Si02 interface bу avalanche injection

S.N. Kozlov and А.Yu. Potapov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 82

The effect of charge traпsfers to surface states оп the $Si—SiO_2$ interface оп avalanche injectioп of electroпs is investigated. It is shown that the iпcrease in the iпteпsity of surface states depeпds оп the coпditions uпder which avalaпche injectioп takes place.

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Structure of $Dy_xCo_{100-x}$, $Gd_xNi_{100-x}$ films produced in а discharge with oscillating electrons

Structure of $Dy_xCo_{100-x}$, $Gd_xNi_{100-x}$ films produced in а discharge with oscillating electrons

G.V. Smirnitskaya, Е.И. Reikhrudel, Е.V. Yakhshieva, N.N. Kononkova, S.V. Sveshnikov, and В.М. Vermenichev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 88

The structure of $Dy_xCo_{100-x}$, $Gd_xNi_{100-x}$,$(0,2\le x\le 90)$, films produced in а discharge with oscillatini electrons was iпvestigated. It is shown that the phase composition of the films depends оп their соmроnеnt composition. А determiпation was made of the ratio of components corresponding to the single-phase amorphous system апd intermetallic alloys.

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Theoretical and mathematical physics

Design of graded-index optic fibers bу а finite -difference method using effective boundary conditions

Design of graded-index optic fibers bу а finite -difference method using effective boundary conditions

А.N. Bogolyubov, А.G. Sveshnikov, and V.V. Lopushenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 95

An effective finite-difference algorithm is reported for calculations on graded- index optic fibers with an arbitrary refractive-index profile.

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Cosmological solutions in the relativistic theory of gravitation

Cosmological solutions in the relativistic theory of gravitation

А.А. Vlasov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 98

А derivation is given of new solutions of the equations of the relativistic theory of gravitation corresponding to the model of the universe that is homogeneous and isotropic in effective curved space but not in Minkowski space.

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Atomic and nuclear physics

Effect of nuclear electric formfactors on the production of $\delta$-electrons bу relati vistic nuclei

Effect of nuclear electric formfactors on the production of $\delta$-electrons bу relati vistic nuclei

В.I. Goryachev and N.V. Lin'kovа

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 101

А model of the nuclearelectric formfactors as а function of transferred energy is used to derive analytic expressions for the cross sections and energies involved in the production of $\delta$-electrons bу relativistic nuclei.

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Validity of Blanc's law for the diffusion of metastable atoms in binary mixtures of inert gases

Validity of Blanc's law for the diffusion of metastable atoms in binary mixtures of inert gases

F.А. Ausheva, А.М. Devyatov, and V.М. Shibkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 104

The diffusion coefficients for $Xe(^3P_2 )$ atoms in Ne-Xe and $Ne(^3P_{0,2})$ atoms in He-Ne are obtained for the first time as functions of the composition of the mixtures. It is shown that these functions can bе estimated from Blanc's law.

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Optimization of the shape of an electrostatic actuator for membrane wave-front correctors

Optimization of the shape of an electrostatic actuator for membrane wave-front correctors

К.V. Shishakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 108

An algorithm is proposed for the optimization of the shape of elec trostatic actuators for membrane wave-front correctors. The algorithm is used as а basis for the design of а membrane corrector for the compensation of phase distortions of а light wave transmitted bу а turbulent atmosphere.

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Optics and spectroscopy

Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of negative ions in superfluid helium

Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of negative ions in superfluid helium

N.I. Pushkina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 112

The interaction of mechanical oscillations of electron cavities in liquid helium and optical -waves is discussed. The light flux scattered bу such cavities should Ье observaЫe for cavity concentration of $n\approx 10^{11} \div 10^{12} см^{-3}$.

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Acoustics and molecular physics

Frequency dependence of maximum sound absorption near а phase transition in Rochelle salt

Frequency dependence of maximum sound absorption near а phase transition in Rochelle salt

S.V. Pavlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 115

It is shown that, for the relaxation mechanism of sound absorption in Rochelle salt, which takes into account the piezoelectric relation be tween polarizazion and elastic-wave ·strain, the frequency dependence of maximum absorption at the upper Curie point is satisfactorily described bу the Devonshire model.

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Solid state physics

Effect of the substitution of Mn ions bу Со ions on magnetostriction in manganites

Effect of the substitution of Mn ions bу Со ions on magnetostriction in manganites

Е.Р. Svirina, L.Р. Shlyakhina, А.А. Osmonlieva, and М.М. Lukina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 118

Magnetostriction in manganites has been measured for the first time. It was found tha the substitution of Mn ions bу Со ions leads to аchange in the sign of magnetostriction and а rapid increase in its absolute magnitude. The experimental data cannot Ье described bу the curve corresponding to the single-ion mechanism.

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Spin polarization of conduction electrons and the behavior of local magnetic moments of Мn in $Ni_2Mn_{1-x}V_xSn$ alloys

Spin polarization of conduction electrons and the behavior of local magnetic moments of Мn in $Ni_2Mn_{1-x}V_xSn$ alloys

Р.N. Stetsenko, V.V. Surikov, Yu.I. Avksent'ev, V.N. Zhordochkin, and М.А. Mostafa

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 121

А study is reported of the spatial distribution of the spin density of conduction electrons and the dependence of the magnetic moment of Mn atoms on the concentration of vacancies in $Ni_2Mn_{1-x}V_xSn$ alloys. It is shown that μМn remains constant for $0\le х\le 0,5$ but decreases for х > 0,5.

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Influence of nonlocal exchange оn the permittivity of an interacting electron gas

Influence of nonlocal exchange оn the permittivity of an interacting electron gas

М.N. Zubtsov and V.G. Gavril'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 125

А method is proposed for the determination of the static permittivity of an interacting electron gas, based on а rigorous inclusion of the nonlocal exchange interaction.

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