Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The magnetic properties of gadolinium-yttrium alloys

K.P. Belov and L.I. Solntseva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 42

  • Article

The temperature dependence of the magnetization, the coercive force, and the galvanomagnetic effect of gadolinium-yttrium alloys containing 10, 25 and 35at% yttrium was measured. These curves have an anomalous shape similar to that observed on the corresponding curves for pure gadolinium at temperatures of 210-250°К [3]. They are also similar to the anomalies on the magnetization curves obtained for gadolinium-yttrium alloys with large yttrium contents (greater than 40 at.%) described in [1,2]. We establish that annealing of the alloys changes these anomalies and even makes them disappear. It is suggested that the nature of the anomalous magnetic properties in gadolinium-yttrium alloys and in pure gadolinium are the same and that this is due to breakdown of the noncollinear configurations of the magnetic moments.

K.P. Belov and L.I. Solntseva
Department of General Physics for Biologists
Issue 1, 1967

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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