Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Theoretical and experimental investigation of rotation of the plane of polarization in a circular waveguide with a ferrite rod

V.P. Modenov, A.I. Obraztsov, and L.M. Platonova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 2. P. 7

  • Article

Results are given of some computer calculations of the rotation of the plane of polarization and the phase change in a circular waveguide with a ferrite rod, and they are compared with experimental data. Two methods of computation are used. The first is based on the solution of a transcendental equation, and the second reduces the initial electrodynamic problem to the solution of a boundary value problem for a set of ordinary differential equations. The second method, applied in the present case to the design of a Faraday rotator, facilitates the design of quite complicated ferrite structures. The results are in good qualitative agreement with experiment.

V.P. Modenov, A.I. Obraztsov, and L.M. Platonova
Department of Radioengineering
Issue 2, 1967

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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