Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Formation and study of complex polymer films

E.M. Dubinina, V.P. Novozhilov, and S.S. Elovikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 1. P. 41

  • Article

It is shown that electron bombardment can be used to form composite dielectric and resistive coatings on a polymer base that are localized in the area in which the electron beam interacts with the backing. The filming parameters of silicon monoxide and silver on a polymer backing are determined with and without electron beaming. Several materials in the class of silicon-carbon heterocyclics are studied with dielectric and metallic components introduced into them in metal - dielectric - metal structures.

E.M. Dubinina, V.P. Novozhilov, and S.S. Elovikov
Department of Electronics
Issue 1, 1976

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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