Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Statistical estimates in the converse problem of the scattering of scalar waves

V.A. Burov and A.A. Goryunov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1977. 32. N 6. P. 77

  • Article

The problem of the nonlinear filtering of a sample in order to obtain the optimum estimate (in the sense of the maximum-likelihood method) of the scattering nonuniformity of the density of the medium, and the velocity of sound in it when the primary field source has a known form in the presence of five types of interference with a normal distribution and with known second-moment matrices is solved.

V.A. Burov and A.A. Goryunov
Department of Acoustics
Issue 6, 1977

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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