Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Preequilibrium emission of photonucleons and the method of quantum Green's functions

F.A. Zhivopistsev, A.K. Deb, A.M. Slivnoi

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1983. 38. N 3. P. 22

  • Article

It is shown that for $E_{\gamma}\le 50$ MeV, the $T_{\gamma N}$ matrix of the reaction $(\gamma,N)$ can be expressed in terms of the vector vertex $\tau [n+1]$: $\tau_{\gamma}[n+1]=V_{\gamma}GG\Gamma_{2,n+1}$ where $V_{\gamma}$ is the vertex of noninteracting nucleons with respect to the field of the gamma quantum, and $\Gamma_{2,n+1}$ is the full vertex part (total interaction amplitude). We obtain the renormalized equations for $\Gamma_{2,n+1}$, which contain the products of polar single-particle Green's functions G and the effective interactions amplitudes $\Gamma_{2,n+1}$. The T matrix of the reaction $(\gamma,N)$ can be decomposed into two parts. One part describes a direct multistep nuclear photoeffect (without formation of the compound nucleus), and the other part describes a resonant multistep nuclear photoeffect (via intermediate states of the compound nucleus). After statistical averaging, we obtain expressions for $|T_N|^2$ which describe a $(\gamma,N)$ reaction for the energies of the gamma quanta $E \le 50$ MeV.

F.A. Zhivopistsev, A.K. Deb, A.M. Slivnoi
Department of Nuclear Interactions and Accelerators, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 3, 1983

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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