Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Possible reasons for the appearance of two maxima in the time variation of the intensity of gamma radiation with $E_{\gamma}$ = 2.22 MeV during solar flares

B.M. Kuzhevskii, E.I. Kogan-Laskina, E.V. Troitskaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1991. 46. N 1. P. 59

  • Article

Possible reasons for the appearance of two maxima in the time variation of the intensity of $\gamma$ radiation with $E_{\gamma}$ = 2.22 MeV during the solar particle event of June 7, 1980 have been analyzed. It was concluded that these maxima were caused by the anisotropy of the neutron scattering by hydrogen and by the inhomogeneity of the solar atmosphere density in the subphotospheric area during the particle event.

B.M. Kuzhevskii, E.I. Kogan-Laskina, E.V. Troitskaya
Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 1991

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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