Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

А Mossbauer study of the state of iron atoms during the low-temperature synthesis of cristobalite in the $SiO_2-Fe_2O_3$ system

V.S. Rusakov, А.М. Bychkov, and G.А. Sukhadolskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 5. P. 61

  • Article

А Mossbauer study has been carried out of the process of low-temperature crystallization of cristobalite under hydrothermal conditions from а gel of the composition Si02 + 0.3 mass percent 57 Fе2 0з. It has been shown that in the original gel the paramagnetic Fe3+ ions are in the form of а diluted impurity in the diamagnetic matrix, with а spin-lattice relaxation oftheir magnetic moments being observed. At the beginning of the synthesis process the iron atoms are reduced to а divalent higl1-spin state with а sixfold oxygen coordination, and then, when cristobalite is formed, there occur the reverse oxidation and the formation of magnetically ordered Fe2 0 3 particles with sizes of 80 А< d < 300 А. No entry of iron atoms into tetrahedral positions of the structure has been observed.

V.S. Rusakov, А.М. Bychkov, and G.А. Sukhadolskii
Department of General Physics
Issue 5, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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