Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A possibility of selective excitation of characteristic waves at doubly reflected ionospheric radio transmission path

V.V. Balinov, Yu.V. Berezin, O.Yu. Volkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2000. 55. N 1. P. 32

  • Article

The possibilities of improving the quality of information transmission in doubly reflected ionospheric radio transmission paths are discussed. It is shown that a combination of the method of selective excitation of characteristic waves in the ionosphere and that of polarization filtration of a multipath signal with a definite signal-to-noise ratio can improve the quality of information transmission in the doubly reflected radio transmission path more than by an order of magnitude.

V.V. Balinov, Yu.V. Berezin, O.Yu. Volkov
Department of Radiophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 2000

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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