Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Self-organization of Cs adatoms on Ag(111) caused by quantum confinement of surface electrons on Ag clusters

A.S. Smirnov, A.M. Saletski

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2010. 65. N 1. P. 51

  • Article

The effect of quantum confinement formed by Ag nanoclusters on the self-organization of Cs adatoms on Ag(111) was studied. The existence of allowed and forbidden zones was found for the diffusion motion of Cs adatoms near and on top of the clusters. The formation of the orbits of an adatom’s motion was demonstrated for self-organization process in a Cs adatom ensemble near and on top of the clusters.

Received: 2009 July 15
Approved: 2010 May 28
A.S. Smirnov, A.M. Saletski
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2010

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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