Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Change of optical properties of Langmuir TDOBAMBCC films by the phase transition

V.B. Zaitsev, N.L. Levshin, S.V. Khlybov, S.G. Yudin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2011. 66. N 1. P. 50

  • Article

In the present work adsorption isotherms of water molecules, absorption and diffuse reflection spectra and reflected light polarization on hyperfine Langmuir liquid crystal films were investigated. The singularities reflection spectra were discovered by the temperature of the structural phase transition (~70ºC). Some reasonable assumptions about The phase transition nature were made

Received: 2010 September 28
Approved: 2011 April 13
68.47.Pe Langmuir-Blodgett films on solids; polymers on surfaces; biological molecules on surfaces
V.B. Zaitsev, N.L. Levshin, S.V. Khlybov, S.G. Yudin
Department of general physics and molecular electronics, Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2011

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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