In work the technique of the estimation of oscillatory speed amplitude, introduced in the ionosphere by wave disturbances of the various nature on the example of acousto gravitational waves is offered. The specified parameter characterizes the wave energy and is important for modelling energy exchang processes in the system of geospheres. Its definition has demanded using various ionospheric data – such as GPS- interpherometry and vertical sounding. Testing a method for an example of the data received during preparation and the earthquake in Athenes 2006г is lead. The technique supposes the using for estimations the data of IRI- model that appears practically comprehensible in quiet geo- and helio- physical conditions for an ionosphere in various regions (Arctic region, Asia, Africa, World ocean, etc.).
94.20.Vv Ionospheric disturbances, irregularities, and storms
94.20.wj Wave/particle interactions
94.80.+g Instrumentation for space plasma physics, ionosphere, and magnetosphere
Faculty of Physics M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Leninskie Gory, bild 1-2, Moscow 119991, Russia