Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 6, 1971

Theor y of carrier capture bу deep traps in а homopolar semiconductor: hot - electron capture

Theor y of carrier capture bу deep traps in а homopolar semiconductor: hot - electron capture

V.L. Bonch-Bruevich

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 1

The generalized Lukovskii model has Ьееп used to calculate the coefficients for multiphonon cpature Ьу deep пeutral апd charged traps wheп the electron gas is heated bу а steady апd uпiform electric field. Cases are coпsidered to which the electroп-temperature approximatioп applies апd where Davydov's formula gives the carrier eпergy distributioп, as geпeralized for impurity scatteriпg. Explicit expressioпs are derived for the capture coefficieпt as а fuпctioп of temperature апd field.

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Energy dependence of proton elastic scattering bу some nucleiin thick targets

Energy dependence of proton elastic scattering bу some nucleiin thick targets

В.S. Galakhmatova, Z.F. Kalacheva, М.R. Omar, Е.А. Roganovskii, Т.I. Spasskaya, М.А. Sultan, and Yu.V. Rogachev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 6

Thick targets have been used to obtain а continuous energy dependence of the elastic scattering cross sections for protons. The measurements were made on а cyclotron with а fixed beam energy (Еp = 6.5 MeV). Excitation functions are given for С, Si, and Са for θlab = 120°.

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Charge and potential distributions near edge and screw dislocations in an ionic crystal

Charge and potential distributions near edge and screw dislocations in an ionic crystal

А.I. Kolomiitsev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 10

The equilibrium charge of potential distributions have been deduced for screw and edge dislocations; this distribution is due to the dimensional effect and due to the modulus effect.

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The steady state in а reverberation field

The steady state in а reverberation field

I.V. Lebedeva and А.А. Shkol'nikova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 16

The spatial uniformity of the acoustic field has been examined over the frequency range 100-4000 Hz for the reverberation chamber at Moscow University. The diffuse absorption coefficient for а resonant absorber has been measured bу the intensity method with various noise passbands, and the results are compared with those from the reverberation method with the same signals.

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Mutual synchronization of two relaxation oscillators

Mutual synchronization of two relaxation oscillators

G.А. Sidorova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 20

Mutual synchronization to а single reference level is considered for oscillators producing triangular waves. The regions of existence of synchronous states are deduced and the staЫlity of these is considered.

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The UHF detection mechanism in а reflex klystron

The UHF detection mechanism in а reflex klystron

Yu.А. Pirogov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 25

It is found that а virtual cathode is produced in the reflection space of the klystron, and detection occurs Ьу sorting of electrons in а velocity-modulated electron beam, with consideraЫe effects from the space charge. The voltagecurrent characteristic of the detecting gap has nodal points, which correspond to zero and turning points in the detected current. The calculated results agree well with experimental tests.

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Theory of Mossbauer diffraction

Theory of Mossbauer diffraction

А.G. Grigoryan and V.А. Belyakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 30

The theory is developed in the kinematic appгoximation fоr crystals containing magnetic and nonuniform electric fields. Equations аге derived fоr the intensity and polarization of the radiation emitted bу the nucleus, together with the scattering amplitude fоr а nucleus, the coherent-scattering cross section fоr а crystal, and the polarization of the radiation in Bragg peaks when the quadrupole interaction is small compaгed with the magnetic one. The diffraction is discussed in deta1l fоr yttriurn garnet fеrritе γ_3Fе_2(FеО_4)_3.

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Phase structure of the adjacent pressure field and of the oscillator speed of an unbounded circular cylinder

Phase structure of the adjacent pressure field and of the oscillator speed of an unbounded circular cylinder

А.I. Kartavenko, V.А. Kirshov, and О.S. Tonakanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 37

А theoretical study has been made of the phase picture in the near field for а fixed distance from а surface of an infinite cylinder for 1 ≤kro≥ 8. Measurements have been made of the phase differences between the individual components of the vibrational velocity for an acoustically soft finite cylinder; the agreement with theory is satisfactory.

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General properties of the root loci for equations with complex coefficients

General properties of the root loci for equations with complex coefficients

G.А. Bendrikov, V.I. Ogorodnikova, and N.А. Sukhacheva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 41

Неrе we examine the general properties of the root loci for characteristic equations of order n with complex coefficients. We get such equations in the dynamics of а two-dimensional system with identical channels and antisymmetric cross-over positive and negative feedback couplings. We consider geometrical and analytical methЪds of constructing the root loci and the plane of complex frequencies, and derive equations for the root loci and the formulas for the loci parameters. An example is given to illustrate the use of the method in research on а two-dimensional servo system for angular following.

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Induced emission from relativistic electrons moving in а low-intensity plane wave

Induced emission from relativistic electrons moving in а low-intensity plane wave

I.М. Ternov , V.G. Bagrov, Yu.I. Klimenko, О.S. Pavlova, and V.R. Khalilov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. N 6.

The induced radiation is deduced fоr relativistic electrons moving in а weak planar electromagnetic wave. Equations аrе derived fоr the intensity and total radiation роwеr. Spin effects аrе examined.

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Methods for the approximate solution of the proЫem of Thomson system synchronization

Methods for the approximate solution of the proЫem of Thomson system synchronization

А.S. Kovalenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 53

The proЫem of the action of а small external sinusoidal emf on а Thomson-type oscillatory system is considered approximately in two limiting cases (for "hard" and "soft" limitation of the amplitude deviations from the equilibrium value, equal to the amplitude of free oscillations). The theoretical results are verifield experimentally.

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Wave function of а charged particle in а varying magnetic field

Wave function of а charged particle in а varying magnetic field

Yu.G. Pavlenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 61

An accurate solution of the Schrodinger equation is obtained for а charged particle in а magnetic field which varies in an arbitrary manner.

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Diffraction of cold neutrons at ferromagnetic Bloch walls. Elastic scattering

Diffraction of cold neutrons at ferromagnetic Bloch walls. Elastic scattering

М. Bushev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 64

The traditional methods of studying domain structure primarily give information on the structure of the specimen surface. Neutron diffraction techniques еnаЫе one to "illuminate" the ferromagnetic domains, and to investigate their structure in thick specimens. The elastic scattering cross section of cold neutrons scattered bу а plane-parallel domain structure is obtained taking into account the internal structure of the ferromagnetic Bloch walls. The experimental method is discussed. It is shown that for the majority of materials а diffraction pattern can only bе observed for а structures period 1 ≤ I0^{-5} cm.

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Interaction of elementary excitations in liquid helium

Interaction of elementary excitations in liquid helium

V.А. Zagrebnov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 70

The phonon-phonon interaction Hamiltonian is constructed. It is shown that this interaction does not lead to any change in the phonon spectrum, but has а considerable effect on the roton spectrum.

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Analysis of turbulence from measurements of temperature pulsations in the sea

Analysis of turbulence from measurements of temperature pulsations in the sea

Е.G. Andreev, V.S. Lavorko, А.А. Pivovarov, and G.G. Khundzhua

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 73

Magnetic moments of baryons in generalized unitary symmetry

Magnetic moments of baryons in generalized unitary symmetry

В.V. Danilynk

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 76

The possibility of using ruby in а maser with optical pumping

The possibility of using ruby in а maser with optical pumping

А.К. Shevchenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 79

Some properties of an electrodynamic surface-wave converter

Some properties of an electrodynamic surface-wave converter

N.Р. Kachalov, V.Е. Lyamov, and I.Yu. Solodov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 83

Nonreciprocal properties of electrooptical microwave light modulators

Nonreciprocal properties of electrooptical microwave light modulators

Е.Р. Mustel, V.N. Parygin, and L.V. Simonyan

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 86

Temporal characte r istics of а neodymium glass laser with а long resonator

Temporal characte r istics of а neodymium glass laser with а long resonator

N.V. Kravtsov and Yu.Р. Yatsenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 88

Stability of steady- state generation conditions of an oscillatory system with delayed feedback

Stability of steady- state generation conditions of an oscillatory system with delayed feedback

Yu.М. Az'yan and О.V. Snigirev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 90

А method for determining the dimensions and shape of temperature nonuniformities in the sea

А method for determining the dimensions and shape of temperature nonuniformities in the sea

N.К. Shelkovnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 91

А singular solution to the Klein- Gordon equation in the case of parallel constant and uniform fields

А singular solution to the Klein- Gordon equation in the case of parallel constant and uniform fields

А.В. Kukanov and Tkhai Kuang

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 94

Current fluctuation in semiconductors with а complex band structure

Current fluctuation in semiconductors with а complex band structure

К.I. Rozentur

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 97

Anisotropy of the active region of а gallium arsenide injection laser and the polarization of its radiation

Anisotropy of the active region of а gallium arsenide injection laser and the polarization of its radiation

В.S. Vvedenskii, L.Р. Ivanov, V.V. Kurylev, А.S. Logginov, and К.Уа. Senatorov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 71. N 6. P. 99