Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 5, 1976

Waves in an infinite cylindrical shell

Waves in an infinite cylindrical shell

L.A. Shenyavskiy

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 1

The dispersion curves and distribution coefficient of elastic waves propagating in an infinite cylindrical shell are investigated.

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Induced radiation of an anharmonic oscillator

Induced radiation of an anharmonic oscillator

V.F. Korolev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 7

The strength of induced electromagnetic radiation of an anharmonic oscillator is calculated. It is shown that the induced radiation exceeds the absorption provided that the stimulating radiation has a frequency exceeding the resonance frequency of quantum transition.

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High-energy scattering of a scalar particle in a gravitational field

High-energy scattering of a scalar particle in a gravitational field

Nguen Suan Han

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 13

Expressions for Green's function and amplitude of scattering of a scalar particle in an external gravitational field g_{μν}(х) in closed form in the form of functional integrals are found. It is shown that the tensor nature of the gravitational field results in a more rapid growth of a cross section with energy, as compared with the scattering on a vector potential. Discrete energy levels of a particle in a Newtonian potential are obtained.

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On methods of calibration of pressure-gradient transducers

On methods of calibration of pressure-gradient transducers

В.I. Goncharenko, L.N. Zakharov, and В.I. Romanyuk

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 19

A technique for calibrating a pressure-gradient transducer in a water-filled vol­ume by finding analytic relationships between the acoustic pressure and components of oscillatory velocity and averaging the field over one, two and three coordi­nates is examined. Computer calculations carried out on the assumption that the walls containing the water volume are acoustically soft, as well as experimental results, are presented.

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On the damping of vibrations by absorption materials placed between elastic stiffening ribs of a strip

On the damping of vibrations by absorption materials placed between elastic stiffening ribs of a strip

V.V. Gruzin, V.P. Kandidov, A.N. Pankratova, and B.I. Shmal'gauzen

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 24

The damping properties of a strip with periodic ribs, the spaces between which are filled by various vibration-damping materials and coatings are investigated experimentally. Absorption filters employing the oscillations of a fin have a resonance dependence of the damping coefficient on the frequency. When butyl rubber strips are cemented on the ribs the attenuation coefficient is as high as 4-5 dB per rib. A numerical investigation is carried out for a filter of a single rib with viscous friction at [one] end.

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Some numerical results on transients in a self-biased parametric subharmonic oscillator

Some numerical results on transients in a self-biased parametric subharmonic oscillator

Vu An Fi and V.I. Medvedev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 28

The results of computer solution of truncated equations describing oscillatory processes in a single-circuit self-biased parametric subharmonic oscillator [par­ ametron] are presented. Amplitude, phase and bias building up modes in this de­ vice are analyzed with allowance for simultaneous operation of the dissipative, detuning and biasing frequency limiting mechanisms. Features of building up pro­ cesses in the parametron under study in the absence of self modulation, as well as with sinusoidal and intermittent self-modulation are examined.

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A study of the spectral composition of the induced raman scattering of pyridine in solutions with aliphatic alcohols

A study of the spectral composition of the induced raman scattering of pyridine in solutions with aliphatic alcohols

N.I. Rezaevand, M.В. Таbibi

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 33

The induced Raman scattering (IRS) spectra of pyridine in solutions with methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl alcohols are investigated. It is established that complex­ ing in the solutions due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding has a strong influence on the spectral composition of the IRS.

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Effect of reactor irradiation on the electrical characteristics of crystalline quartz

Effect of reactor irradiation on the electrical characteristics of crystalline quartz

A.P. Shtyrkova and Т.M. Glushkova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 37

The temperature-frequency dependence of ε and tgδ for quartz subjected to reactor irradiation (2*10^18 н/см^2) are investigated.

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Bremsstrahlung radiation of relativistic electrons on a nucleus in a magnetic field in the soft-photon approximation

Bremsstrahlung radiation of relativistic electrons on a nucleus in a magnetic field in the soft-photon approximation

A.M. Voloshchenko, V.Ch. Zhukovskii, and Yu.G. Pavlenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 42

The soft-photon approximation is employed for obtaining an expression for the bremsstrahlung radiation cross section for relativistic electrons on a nucleus in a magnetic field. Particular cases of many-photon synchrotron radiation are also examined within the framework of this approximation.

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The motion of asteroids of the Hecuba type

The motion of asteroids of the Hecuba type

I.A. Gerasimov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 50

The evolution of the orbital elements of asteroids of the Hecuba type is discus­ sed. Theoretical calculations are presented.

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Spatial correlation of a model of bottom reverberation for a narrow-band signal and horizontal orientation of the receiver array

Spatial correlation of a model of bottom reverberation for a narrow-band signal and horizontal orientation of the receiver array

N.S. Vinogradov, F.V. Rozhin, and O.S. Tonakanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 53

The results of theoretical calculation of spatial correlation functions of bottom clutter on a pair of horizontally arrayed hydrophones are described. Space-cor­ relation functions are presented for horizontally spread astatic hydrophones and for various spatial arrangements of dipoles relative to one another and relative to the emitted radiation pattern. It is shown that the interference produced by bottom clutter having properties assumed in theoretical limitations can be atten­ uated by proper selection of the emitted and received radiation pattern.

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Generation of vortex disturbances in elliptically rotating fluid

Generation of vortex disturbances in elliptically rotating fluid

N.F. Gorshkov and A.M. Obukhov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 58

An elementary mechanical method for generating vortex disturbances, which can be used in model studies of atmospheric processes, is described.

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The formation of giant resonances in atomic nuclei

The formation of giant resonances in atomic nuclei

V.S. Rostovskii and N.P. Yudin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 62

Formulas are derived for the energy-averaged cross section of resonant elastic scattering in the following model: there exists an input state that is bound to the continuous spectrum and a "background" of equidistant compound-nucleus levels; the matrix elements of the interaction of the input state with the compound levels are assumed constant, and the fluctuati ons of the compound-level widths are assumed small.

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The gravity field of quasi-steady lumped systems without rotation (1)

The gravity field of quasi-steady lumped systems without rotation (1)

V.I. Khlebnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 66

A series of solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equa-tions with an A-term describing the gravity field of quasisteady lumped systems containing an electric and a mag­ netic charge is obtained. The metrics thus found belong to the Petrov-Pirani D class and have zero rotation and shear. A physical interpretation of the obtained solutions is presented. The present, first part of the study contains the state­ment of the problem in terms of t9e method f spin coefficients.

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On approximate solutions of equations of the electromagnetic cascade theory

On approximate solutions of equations of the electromagnetic cascade theory

I.P. Ivanеnko, A.A. Kirillov, and Yu.I. Paskhalov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 73

This paper validates the "q method" for solving equations of the electromagnetic cascade theory and explores the development of this method for making allowance for processes with inhomogeneous cross sections.

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The hamilton ian formalism for stratified media

The hamilton ian formalism for stratified media

V.P. Goncharov, V.A. Krasil'nikov, and V.I. Pavlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 77

Features of the propagation of nonlinear waves in stratified media are examined within the framework of the method of Hamiltonian formalism.

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Angular correlation in the(е,2е)reaction in hydrocarbons

Angular correlation in the(е,2е)reaction in hydrocarbons

I.M. Abdalla, V.G. Levin, and A.V. Pavlichenkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 81

On the theory of ifir line shapes in systems of weakly coupled nuclei

On the theory of ifir line shapes in systems of weakly coupled nuclei

M.F. Sokolov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 84

Spectroscopic manifestations of luminescing associates of rhodamine 6G

Spectroscopic manifestations of luminescing associates of rhodamine 6G

L.V. Levshin, N. Nizamov, R.Kh. Dzhumadinov, and A.K. Atakhodzhaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 87

The gravitational field of a concentric electromagnetic resonator

The gravitational field of a concentric electromagnetic resonator

V.I. Denisov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 90

Electron energy distribution functions in a helium-filled hollow calcium cathode

Electron energy distribution functions in a helium-filled hollow calcium cathode

A.A. Bobrov, L.M. Volkova, A.M. Devyatov, and V.Kh. Fazlaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 93

Concerning the elastic scattering of a neutrino(antineutrino) at a polarized proton

Concerning the elastic scattering of a neutrino(antineutrino) at a polarized proton

B.K. Kerimov, M.Ya. Safin, and D. Ishankuliev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 97

Effect of lag dispersion on the nature of stationary self oscillations in a wide-band self-oscillating system

Effect of lag dispersion on the nature of stationary self oscillations in a wide-band self-oscillating system

V.K. Kornev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 100

Optical properties of Na3AlFе6, PbF2, As2S3, coatings obtained under a high and ultrahigh vacuum

Optical properties of Na3AlFе6, PbF2, As2S3, coatings obtained under a high and ultrahigh vacuum

F.A. Korolev, A.Yu. Klement'eva, and S.I. Sagitov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 103

Annealing of radiation effects in quartz irradiated by fast neutrons

Annealing of radiation effects in quartz irradiated by fast neutrons

V.G. Zubov, L.P. Osipova, and N.D. Kundikova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 106

On the feasibility of determining the density of states in a disordered semiconductor by the method of tunnel spectroscopy

On the feasibility of determining the density of states in a disordered semiconductor by the method of tunnel spectroscopy

I.M. Belova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 108

Defects in electron-irradiate LiF and NaCl crystals at different irradiation conditions

Defects in electron-irradiate LiF and NaCl crystals at different irradiation conditions

V.L. Zefirova, E.V. Kolontsova, and V.P. Lutsenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 5. P. 110