Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 2, 1986

Theoretical and mathematical physics

Polarization and magnetization in neutral rotating bodies

Polarization and magnetization in neutral rotating bodies

V.I. Grigor'ev, E.V. Grigor'eva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 1

Polarization produced by gravitational and centrifugal fields is considered on the basis of a unified macroscopic theory that provides realistic estimates for the magnetic fields of celestial bodies as well as the fields observed in laboratory experiments.

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Optimal data reduction in physics experiments

Optimal data reduction in physics experiments

P.V. Golubtsov, Yu.P. Pyt'ev, A.I. Chulichkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 7

Designing a measuring instrument is considered for the best measurement of a random signal having known mathematical expectation and correlation operator; the instrument is chosen from the class satisfying the technological design conditions of the type of constraint on the dimensions of the vector representing the measurement results or the response energy to an input test signal. A relationship is considered between the methods used and the optimal mean-square estimation ones.

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The effective Lagrangian for massless quarks in an external non-Abelian chromomagnetic field

The effective Lagrangian for massless quarks in an external non-Abelian chromomagnetic field

B.V. Magnitskii, A.V. Tatarintsev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 12

Effective Lagrangian have been derived for massless quarks at nonzero temperatures. Cases are considered of two different configurations for the chromomagnetic field and particle isospins I = 0, 1/2.

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The Higgs vacuum in gravitational theory

The Higgs vacuum in gravitational theory

G.A. Saradanashvili, B.L. Ikhlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 17

A gravitational field is described as a Higgs-Goldstone field in gauge theory, and a prediction is made of the existence of Higgs gravitational vacuum, for which a model is constructed, whose material source is provided by the Higgs vacuum for material fields.

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Test-oscillator sensitivity in continuous tracking of the number of quanta

Test-oscillator sensitivity in continuous tracking of the number of quanta

F.Ya. Khalili

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 20

A study is made of observing the classical external force acting on a quantum test oscillator to which is connected a system for continuously tracking the number of quanta. It is shown that the reaction of the tracking system does not reduce the sensitivity if the signalisolation time is greater than the time of force action.

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Atomic and nuclear physics

A method of calculating resonant-state parameters in multichannel Coulomb-nuclear scattering

A method of calculating resonant-state parameters in multichannel Coulomb-nuclear scattering

A.N. Safronov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 23

An extension of Lande's method is proposed that enables one to distinguish Coulomb singularities in the multichannel Lippman-Schwinger equations on the nonphysical sheets in the complex energy plane. A system of linear algebraic equations is derived whose solutions define the model-independent parameters of the resonant states in Coulomb-nuclear scattering.

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The phase motion in a classical microtron near nonlinear resonances

The phase motion in a classical microtron near nonlinear resonances

V.K. Grishin, M.A. Sotnikov, V.I. Shvedunov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 28

Analytical and numerical studies are made on the phase motion in a classical microtron. Calculations are given on the regions of stable phase oscilation for various equilibrium phases. The fourth-order resonance represents a hazard, which leads to bunch break-up, and this may require the optimum equilibrium phase choice.

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Scaling violation in a quasieikonal model for a supercritical pomeron

Scaling violation in a quasieikonal model for a supercritical pomeron

M.Z. Iofa, A.E. Pukhov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 34

Calculations have been performed on Feynman scaling breaking in $pA\to hX$ processes for incident particle energies $E=5\cdot 10^3-5\cdot 10^9$ GeV for $h=p$ or $\pi^{\pm}$ and $A = ^1H$ or $^{14}N$. The theoretical model for the strong interactions is a quasieikonal model for a supercr1tical pomeron.

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A modification of the Brinkman-Kramers approximation incorporating Coulomb distortions

A modification of the Brinkman-Kramers approximation incorporating Coulomb distortions

Yu.A. Shurygina, M.I. Karbovanets, A.M. Popova, Ya.A. Teplova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 39

A modification has been made to the Brinkman-Kramers approximation on the basis of the distorted-wave method, which enables one to represent the electron-capture cross section as the product of the BKA cross section and the coefficients $\alpha$ and $\beta$ describing the distortion of the electron wave functions due to interaction with the target atom in the exit channel and with the incident ion in the ingoing channel correspondingly. It is shown to be important to incorporate the distortions in the two channels at low and medium energies.

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Diffraction tomography in the Fresnel zone

Diffraction tomography in the Fresnel zone

V.E. Kunitsyn

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 43

Tomographic refractive-index reconstruction is considered with allowance for weak refraction and diffraction effects within the framework of wave-theory approximations: the smooth-perturbation method and the Born approximation. The Fresnel small-angle approximation is used to obtain a comparatively simple algorithms for processing the field and reducing the diffraction-tomography treatment to traditional tomographic reconstruction from linear integrals.

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Optics and spectroscopy

A saturation effect in a photoexcited degenerate semiconductor

A saturation effect in a photoexcited degenerate semiconductor

L.V. Vasil'eva, T.M. Il'inova, G.A. Cherdyntseva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 52

Saturation is considered for a semiconductor resonantly excited by a light pulse of duration greater than the time required to produce a degenerate Fermi distribution. Analytic expressions are derived for a carrier concentration, mean energy, and position of the Fermi quasilevel. The cases of heavy and light holes are considered.

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Effects of charged defects in a system formed by a semiconductor with a molecular-film insulator on the fluorescence spectra of adsorbed molecules

Effects of charged defects in a system formed by a semiconductor with a molecular-film insulator on the fluorescence spectra of adsorbed molecules

V.A. Bespalov, V.E. Drozd, L.V. Levshin, G.S. Plotnikov, A.M. Saletskii, V.I. Yuzhakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 57

A study has been made on the effects of charged local defects on the fluorescence spectra of erythrosine adsorbed on structures of semiconductor with molecularly deposited insulators ($HfO_2, TiO_2, Nb_2O_5 , V_2O_5 , Cr_2O_3$). Spectrum-shift effects have been observed in the fields of charged centers with differing signs and natures.

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Induced IR emission in resonant alkali-metal atom excitation

Induced IR emission in resonant alkali-metal atom excitation

N.V. Znamenskii, L.S. Kornienko, V.E. Mnuskin, V.I. Odintsov, A.N. Tokareva, B.F. Trinchuk

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 62

Efficient induced IR radiation production is possible in an alkali-metal vapor under conditions of isolated resonance with transitions between the upper levels.

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An automated system for recording the Raman spectra of globular proteins

An automated system for recording the Raman spectra of globular proteins

V.G. Pirogov, V.A. Sokolina, M.V. Fedorov, Yu.I. Khurgin, N.G. Tserevitinova, A.Yu. Chikishev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 65

A laser Raman spectrometer has been built to record the weak signals characteristic of biopolymers. The apparatus works with photon counting and synchronous detection, and it employs long-time signal accumulation. The spectrometer is interfaced to a minicomputer. The effects of hydration on the Raman spectrum of $\alpha$-chymotrypsin have been examined.

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Amplitude, phase, and frequency characteristics of a multipass-mode gas laser

Amplitude, phase, and frequency characteristics of a multipass-mode gas laser

P.V. Korolenko, V.G. Makarov, S.A. Stepina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 69

An He-Ne laser operating at o.63 μm has been used in examining the spatial structure and spectrum on the excitation of multipass modes. The excitation conditions for these modes with various ray paths have been considered. A high degree of spatial coherence exists in the outgoing beams.

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Magnetic parameters of the borehole basalts from the Waring plateau

Magnetic parameters of the borehole basalts from the Waring plateau

I.V. Kashinskaya, K.V. Popov, V.I. Trukhin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 72

Magnetic studies have been performed on 23 specimens of oceanic basalts from boreholes 338 and 342 (38th leg of the Glomar Challenger, 1974), which reveal alternation in the signs of the magnetic deviation $j_0$ for the natural residual magnetization vector $I_n$ with depth. The most likely reason for the forward magnetization of a quarter of the specimens is self-reversal of $I_n$ in situ by a magnetostatic mechanism. The reverse-magnetized basalts were produced in fields of the corresponding polarity.

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Periodic structure formation in lateral convection in salt water

Periodic structure formation in lateral convection in salt water

V.M. Blinkov, A.M. Gusev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 79

Studies have been made on.the convection currents arising in stably stratified saline water in a rectangular basin with unequally heated walls. The structure and production conditions have been determined for undamped perturbations.

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Coherent velocity oscillations in detached flows and planar turbulent mixing layers

Coherent velocity oscillations in detached flows and planar turbulent mixing layers

E.P. Anisimova, A.A. Speranskaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 85

Laboratory data are presented on coherent-structure nucleation in the mixing zone arising at the boundary between a suspension flow and immobile pure water. When the initial density of the suspension flow is reduced, the Strouhal number tends to the value characteristic of the mixing layer existing in a density-nstratified detached flow.

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Ozone transport by middle-atmosphere flows

Ozone transport by middle-atmosphere flows

M.S. Rakova, A.Kh. Khrgian

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 88

The changes in the total amount of ozone X are considered in the passage of cold and warm fronts and in cyclones and anticyclones. There is a regular decrease in X on warm-air influx and an increase in cold air. Fronts entrain air not only from the troposphere but also from the stratosphere, and the larger vortices have the greatest effects on the horizontal and vertical ozone distributions.

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Particular solutions to a nonstationary photogravitational three-body problem

Particular solutions to a nonstationary photogravitational three-body problem

L.G. Luk'yanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 91

The three-body photogravitational problem with variable light pressure is considered. It is shown that triangular and coplanar solutions do not exist, but that a single rectilinear solution may.

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Solid state physics

The local distributions of iron and manganese atoms in intermetallides in the $Er(Fe_{1-x}Mn_x)_2$ quasibinary system

The local distributions of iron and manganese atoms in intermetallides in the $Er(Fe_{1-x}Mn_x)_2$ quasibinary system

A.S. Ilyushin, D.A. Castro, I.A. Mahmud

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 97

M$\stackrel{..}{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy has been applied to the local distributions of atoms in the 3d sublattices of the intermetallides in the $Er(Fe_{1-x}Mn_x)_2$ quasibinary system. Atomic ordering occurs.

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Sputtering calculations for a nickel single crystal in a magnetic phase transition

Sputtering calculations for a nickel single crystal in a magnetic phase transition

V.N. Samoilov, V.A. El'tekov, V.E. Yurasova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 102

Computer simulation has been applied to the atomic binding energy on (001) faces of Ni, the change in sputtering coefficient for a (001) Ni face bombarded by normally incident $Ar^{+}$ ions of energy 200 eV in a magnetic phase transition, and variations in spatial distribution of the sputtered particles. The change in sputtering coefficient in the magnetic transition is in agreement with the available experimental evidence.

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Resistivity of holmium-praseodymium alloys

Resistivity of holmium-praseodymium alloys

O.S. Galkina, B.I. Urusova, V F. Shalashov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 2. P. 105

The temperature dependence of the resistivity has been examined for holmium-praseodymium alloys containing up to 12.2 at.% praseodymium over the range 4.2-400 K. The various contributions to the resistivity have been estimated.

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